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File Created: 02-Jun-2021 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  28-Jun-2023 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name COUNTESS, COPPER KING, ZEE Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 094D068
Status Showing NTS Map 094D09W
Latitude 056º 40' 44'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 126º 27' 12'' Northing 6284537
Easting 656015
Commodities Copper, Silver Deposit Types D03 : Volcanic redbed Cu
L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine, Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Countess occurrence is located west of the Ingenika River approximately 18 kilometres northwest of Johanson Lake.

The Countess occurrence area is underlain by the Upper Triassic Savage Mountain Formation (Takla Group) consisting of augite porphyry basalt flow, breccia, pillow breccia, tuff and interbedded bladed feldspar porphyry.

In 2015, Pacific Empire Minerals collected a 0.5-metre chip sample from a strongly epidote-altered and sheared crystal lithic ash tuff with 1 per cent chalcocite. This sample graded 3.1 per cent copper, 40.56 grams per tonne silver, and 0.033 gram per tonnes gold (Sample 2086922, Assessment Report 35685). A 5-centimetre chalcocite-epidote (malachite) vein hosted in volcanic rock graded 9.63 per cent copper, 89.01 per cent silver, and 0.019 gram per tonne gold (Sample 2086923, Assessment Report 35685). This sample (2086923) was collected 200 metres north of sample 2086922. Another grab sample, taken about 400 metres west-northwest of sample 2086922, was collected from a shear zone at the contact between bladed feldspar porphyry and a crowded monzonite porphyry dike. The shear zone contained 1 per cent disseminated pyrite and 1 per cent chalcocite as blebs and graded 1.17 per cent copper (Sample 2086925, Assessment Report 35685). Values in silver and gold were insignificant.


In 2015, Pacific Empire Minerals Corp. collected 15 rock samples and completed a 4 line-kilometre IP survey over the main target area, from the Copper King showing (094D 149) towards the ING (094 151) showing (Assessment Report 35685). Rock samples were collected southwest of Copper King and D.S. (094D 004) and north and northeast of Bornite (094D 037).

See Copper King (094D 149) for details of work done in the immediate Countess vicinity from 1973 to 2018.

EMPR FIELDWORK 1997, pp. 8b1 to 8b-10: 2000, pp. 75-82
EMPR GEM 1973-410; 1974-304
EMPR OF 2001-2, 2001-18
EMPR PF (In 094D General File - Canadian Superior Exploration Limited, Maps from Company Files, c. 1973)
GSC MEM 251, p. 62
GSC OF 342
GSC P 76-29
Monger, J.W.H. (1984): Cordilleran Tectonics: A Canadian Perspective, Geol. Soc. France Bull., Ser. 7, v. 26, no. 2, p. 255-278